Important Notice: I’m out barbecuing now
that I’ve got this latest ‘Coup-Letter’ ready to
send you, but I came in to add this note as I need to ask you to PLEASE ADD OUR EMAIL ADDRESS, ‘[email protected]’ , to your inbox/contact
list so you don’t miss any of these marvelous
‘coupona’ concoctions like the one you’re about to
savor! Some have reported not getting every weekly email issue and we don’t want that to happen to
you. -JB
PS It’s National Coupon Month!
and this is a good issue!
8-31-20 BREAKING NEWS – We quietly learned from the CDC this weekend that 94% who died from Covid19 had already underlying conditions – that
is, if you got the news hardly reported, or altered, by mainstream media. .
Like the Above tweet that was quickly deleted by Twitter. Same goes for
below confirmation by Dr. David Samadi. As President notes, this is not to dismiss Covid19 but to put results in proper perspective. Much like
pneumonia, those susceptible may pay the price, especially older folks, and/or
those with compromised conditions. But, Covid19 appears to be nowhere close to what mainstream media portrays. And many people and
businesses may be suffering as a result.The U.S. also has lowest rate of
deaths MORE Also, see the most powerful Democrat in the U.S. break
covid rules getting an illegal haircut
Coupon Country Presents JACK BENNY’S ‘A’ LIST SEPT 1, 2020
CELEBRITY ISSUE! Well, Gang, I ‘m up to 10 lbs on the Keto diet! (and that includes
after putting back five pounds, so you could say I’ve lost 15, Ha! .) I only bring that up because we’re featuring, among other great ‘CELEBRITY’ offers, one of the latest Keto programs favored up here in Hollywood Hills – and down below by people like my good
friends Melissa McCarthy and Maria Carey
just to namedrop a couple). Seriously, this
KETO is THE diet of diets!…https://healthfitnessbest.blogspot.com/2019/08/dr-oz-endorsing-keto-exclusive.html
HAVE FUN with these ‘Celebrity’ offers – JB & JC
Users can boost energy and enrich your morning with fuel that lasts for hours by
choosing this delicious alternative to creamer. MCT Oil powder helps burn fat, great
brain fuel, appetite suppression, boosts energy, enhances mood, and supports hearth
Hey, how’s about KETO or THE BIG SPIN casino, favorite of the celebrities? Have a
little fun but don’t get too depressed – you might surprise yourself. Then, we’ve got a way to watch your FAVE MOVIES FREE! and, there’s a great dog rescue program charity for you pet lovers (like me) – sending our donation out in honor of our dear doggie, Hershey, you may have read about elsewhere in past pages. He was (and still is-in our hearts) a
WONDER dog to whom we just had to say so-long for now (but not good-bye) – He lives on at FavoriteFurryFriends.info)
FITNEY is a new kind of workout adapted to your body and lifestyle for those who like to exercise (I’m not one of them). Get a free trial right below, You’ve heard of CBD –no,
Martha, you won’t get high with this- and this one is PURE and POWERFUL for relieving PAIN and chronic aches, anxiety and sleepless nights! (And at my age I’ve got a lot
Then, we have a new ‘ROOTINE’ VITAMIN also adapted to you and how’s about
‘GENBRAIN’ – a mental enhancer supplement that might make you a genius! (after you
fail the IQ test). So, we’ve got some fun, different kind of offers here in this issue. Have
Fun while U $AVE! – jb
FREE Bonus Offer, FREE Shipping
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US Healthshare: Get information to simplify the complexities of health care and save thousands of dollars.Without a tax penalty for healthcare in 2019, new health sharing programs are emerging quickly.
U.S. Healthshare was founded to be the one-stop resource and destination for faith-based medical health share information. To empower consumers to make a smart
decision about their healthcare, by
comparing all of the options available to them. Millions are now joining health-sharing programs
powerful elected US Democrat, Nancy Pelosi, who scolds President Donald Trump for not wearing a mask, has been pictured without a face covering in a San Francisco hair salon.’
Footage obtained by Fox News showed the 80-year-old House of Representatives speaker inside the premises on Monday, breaking two of the city’s coronavirus-prevention
San Francisco’s pandemic orders do not allow hair salons to open indoors plus masks
are required outdoors. On Monday, even outdoors was not allowed, let alone indoors…
except for Nancy(?) You’ll remember Pelosi also invited ‘all’ to come to Chinatown in San Francisco to spend their money, late February, early in the Corona Virus lockdown. While the salon owner was furious with Pelosi taking advantage of one of her independent
stylists, Pelosi’s staff pleaded innocent. MORE
Important Notice:
Have You Added Our Email to Your Inbox/Contacts?
(so you don’t miss any of our weekly missives)
[email protected]‘ , to your inbox/contact list. Some of our valued $UPER $AVERS have reported not getting every (approximately) weekly issue and we don’t want that to happen to you. -JB, the Coupon King